Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Teaser Tuesday July 10th

“You’re a punk,” she said, and I noted that I liked the sound of her voice.
“And you’re a quick learner,” I replied, winking as I cast my gaze down her form once again.She tried to push past, but I reached out and grabbed her arm, pulling her against me. 
“Tell me you like punks,” I whispered into her ear.
“Let go.” I did as she asked, but she didn’t move away, instead narrowing her eyes at me. “Do those lines really work for you, pretty boy?”
“The name is Chase, and you should remember it because I’m coming after you, baby.”

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Teaser Tuesday July 3, 2012

The book of the week is Easy by Tammara Webber.

Erin tugged my arm as the line moved forward. “You’re botching our carefully crafted indifferent act, by the way. Not that I can blame you.” She sighed. “Maybe we should bail now before he—”
I glanced at her when she fell silent, and watched a devious smile cross her face as she turned to me.
“Keep looking at me,” she said, laughing as though we were having an amusing conversation. “He’s staring at you. And I mean staring. That boy is undressing you with his eyes. Can you feel it?” Her expression was triumphant.
Could I feel his stare? I can now, thanks, I thought. My face

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Teaser Tuesday June 26, 2012

It is Tuesday again.  What am I reading today?  One of my favorite authors Kristen Ashley's Knight.  Kristen has some of the greatest alpha males.  yummmmmyy.  But Knight is not just a bad boy he is A BAD BOY!!!

Then, quietly, I declared, “Knight, seriously, honestly, all this is crazy.”
“Anya, babe,” another arm squeeze with a head dip and Iheld my breath, “seriously, honestly, you’re absolutely fuckin’ right. This is fuckin’ whacked. It’s also fucking happening.”
“What is this?” I ventured.
“The start of you and me.”
My body went still, that tingle came back, my eyes stared into his and my heart again stopped beating.

Thursday, June 21, 2012

These last few days have been awful.  We all came down with the flu.  I still feel like a truck ran over me and decided to back up and do it again.  So the few pounds I lost do not seem to matter since I could not eat anything.  I do not even remember Monday or Tuesday of this week.  So much for keeping up with this blog.

Step 2  - Is less chocolate.  I love chocolate and eat it daily.  Not just chocolate but chocolate as in brownies, cupcakes, and all Little Debbie kind of chocolate.  I eat at least 2 or 3 snack cakes a day.  I tell myself it is just dessert after my meal.  Maybe the flu will help with this as I have not had any chocolate since Sunday.  I can actually say I still do not want any.  However I know the cravings will be back so I am going to dark Dove chocolates.  I think one piece after a meal is enough dessert.

When I try to think of all the extra calories I was eating I shiver.  Of course my meals during the day was a bowl of dry cereal for breakfast and toast for lunch. So lets add my first meal of the day.

Old  Breakfast                                                                 New Breakfast                        
1 cup of wheat chex  -  103.5                                      1 cup wheat chex - 103.5
20 oz Mt. Dew          -  300                                          iced tea               -    0
Total                             403.5                                        Total                     103.5

Then if I add in a brownie after breakfast it would add 290 more. A total of 403 - 693 just for breakfast.

No more I need to remember new life.

Friday, June 15, 2012

A New Life

I guess since I have the counter up it is time to fess up.  I am now officially on a strict life change.  No more dieting.  I think if I never started dieting I would not be where I am today.  Every time I diet I lose then gain back more then I lost. 
Okay I also blame my youngest son.  Four months of bed rest and 60 + pounds equals bouncing baby boy.  So first came the baby then the dieting.  He is now 17 so it is harder to justify still needing to lose the baby fat.  Especially since I weigh more now then I did at 9 months pregnant with him.
Another thing I have to take in consideration is thyroid cancer.  In about a week it will be 6 years since I had surgery to remove my thyroid.  I found out just the month before that the growth in my neck was a tumor and indeed cancer.  The scary thing was the doctor told me I had the cancer probably 5-7 years without knowing.  The only reason we found out was the tumor was metastasizing. I was lucky as thyroid cancer is supposed to be the best cancer to have.  
I happen to not agree.  Thyroid cancer sucks and living without one is even worse. I blamed all my symptoms on motherhood. I mean I had 3 kids in 5 years. I had a full time job which was more like a job and a half with all the over time I did. The 3 kids, husband, job and dog was a lot to take care of. I was tired all the time, scatterbrained where I left messages on my own answering machine to remind me what I needed to do plus a large calendar posted on kitchen wall. So many other warning signs I never put together. However since surgery I have felt awful. My skin is dry, hair falls out in clumps (no clue why I am not bald), heavy periods that last 8-9 days and were only 25-26 days apart, tired all the time, I don't sleep without drugs. Headaches and migraines, and severe depression.
All came to a head last year when I had a mental breakdown. I could not understand why I should go on. I felt so bad all the time with no end in sight. I even contemplated suicide. But of course 3 kids made me think of help first. The last year has been the hardest of my life. That is saying a lot if you knew me and my childhood. I started seeing a psychiatrist and psychologist. Medication was always being changed and adjusted. I would start to feel slightly better just to fall down again. I have Agoraphobia and do not leave my house unless I have a doctor appointment or something that was planned ahead so I could prepare myself.
Now I am under other stress of bills because of no job, a husband who does not really understand and is working extra to make up for me, and a fear of disappointing my kids. Only one lives at home now and he is soon to move out. I was always the mom who did not mind friends being over all the time. I always talked with them and if they were new I got to know them. This last year I hide away in my room. I barely want to meet them. I come out of my room and say hi but that is it. I do not even go outside to get the mail or anything. I have not see any of my friends for a long time. I email, call, and text but I never want to meet up. I just spend all my time reading alone in my room. My house is a mess. Not really dirty just cluttered and unkempt. I do basics of wash, dishes, sweep, and vacuum but that is it. 


I AM going to stop taking my depression and anxiety meds. I AM going to do some natural meds. I AM going to start leaving my room and eventually take up seeing my friends again. I AM going to start exercising and eating healthier. I AM going to start living my life again. I AM going to see a doctor who specializes in thyroid problems not just cancer. I AM going to take pride in my home, family, and friends again. 
I AM TIRED OF LIVING THIS WAY or rather I guess tired of not living.

My 12 step program:

This week is step 1 quit drinking Mt. Dew.  This is a big step as Mt Dew is my lifeline.  I have been addicted to it since I was 12. It is my form of coffee. I don't drink the diet it is always regular. I started a couple weeks ago drinking more water. At least 2 liters a day. I used to only drink it to take my meds. I drink at least a two liter of Mt Dew a day. I started cutting back when I started the water. Monday I had 2 cans, Tuesday 2 cans, Wednesday 1 can, Thursday 1 can and today none. Am I tempted to get on the scale and see if there has been a loss yet? Yes but I will not until Sunday. I am going to do this right. No expecting rapid loss and getting disappointed when it does not happen. I will remember this is my life not a diet. 

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Teaser Tuesday

I know it is almost Wednesday so I am late.  My teaser will be a little different this week.  Instead of a few lines from a book I am reading I am going to post a scrap booking page from a poem from Slammed by Colleen Hoover.  This is a type of poetry called Slam. This poem was wrote and performed by Layken to tell Will how she felt about him.

I love this series.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

I have been sitting trying to figure out what I want to say about this book. Love is not enough. If I could give it 10 stars would be better. This series has been breathtaking. I will say I am no writer so my thoughts are all jumbled but here it is.

The characters are so wonderful. They all seem to know exactly what I feel. It is not the blood in your veins but the beating of your heart that makes people your family. It is the people that make your heart beat even when your heart is breaking that count.

Hummmm. Still struggling with words to say how amazing this book series is. Let start with top 5 reasons.

1. Will, Layken, Kel, and Calder - These 4 character have been through hell. They have all lost both their parents and only have each other. The family unit that they create is amazing to feel. Will older brother of Calder but he is having to be brother and parent just like Layken now is to her brother Kel. They laugh when they see the comedy of their little brothers but have to also be the ones to say what is right and wrong. This is something I have also had an experience in personally so maybe that is why I found it profound.

2. Extended family... Eddie, Gavin, Kiersten, and Sherry... These are the people who are there when you need and don't need them. The ones that don't need to say anything but you still feel them lending you strength. The addition of Sherry as a mother figure was a great addition to the story. When she shows Will the video of her true love's proposal I felt as if I was there. It was described so brilliantly by the author. To find out what happened in the end was so moving if I had not already been teared up I would have been again.

3. Kiersten (yes, I know I mentioned her in top 2 already) this character needs her own reason. I love the girl. She is blunt, smart, sarcastic, warm, loving, just amazing. Hell I should do a top 5 reasons I love Kiersten. Instead I will give you a small taste of Kiersten...

“Your mother encourages you to cuss?” Gavin says.
Kiersten nods. “I don’t see it that way. It’s more like she’s encouraging us to undermine a system flawed through overuse of words that are made out to be harmful, when in fact they’re just letters, mixed together like every other word. That’s all they are, mixed up letters. Like, take the word ‘butterfly’ for example.
What if someone decided one day that butterfly is a cussword? People would eventually start using the word butterfly as an insult, and to emphasize things in a negative way. The actual word doesn’t mean anything. It’s the negative association people give these words that make them cusswords. So, if we all just decided to keep saying butterfly all the time, eventually people would stop caring. The shock value would subside…and it would become just another word again. Same with every other would become just another word again. Same with every other so-called bad word. If we would all just start saying them all the time, they wouldn’t be bad anymore. That’s what my mom says, anyway.”
Kiersten to Gavin later in book
"Anyway, I think you should quit feeling sorry for yourself. You're acting like a little bitch. You aren't even the one pregnant, Gavin. How do you think Eddie feels? I'm sorry, but as much as the guy likes to think he's got an equal part in these kinds of situations, he's wrong. You screwed up when you got her knocked up in the first place. Now you need to shut your mouth and be there for her. For whatever she decides to do." She stands up and walks to the front door. "And Gavin? Sometimes things happen in life that you didn't plan for. All you can do now is suck it up and start mapping out a new plan."

4. All the complex issues in the book. The single parenting, education of all, young unexpected pregnancy, friendships and how they change and grow, old loves, sex, and the believing in the choices you make. Another thing that need a sentence of it's own is bullying. Bullying should in no way be condoned by schools or adults in authority at ALL. If there is any suspicion or actions to suggest bullying is going on there should be no can't prove it so ignore it happening anywhere.
The point of no matter what life throws your way all you can do is pick yourself up, dust off, put your best foot forward, and keep moving forward.

In the words of Julia Layken's mom...
"Love is the most beautiful thing in the world. Unfortunately, it’s also one of the hardest things in the world to hold on to, and one of the easiest things to throw away.

  1. 'Suck and Sweet'
    “Suck and sweet time?” Kiersten asks, confused. Kel fills her in. “It’s where you have to say your suck and your sweet of the day. The good and the bad. The high and the low. We do it every night at supper.”

What an amazing concept. We used to the talk about your day thing but this is so much better. I is like a gratitude journal and a way to vent to let go of bad. I almost wish my kids were young and home again so we could start this.

Stars of advice in a vase.
This is another amazing thing Julia did. To explain Julia was dying and knew she would never be there to give advise, words of wisdom, or a chance to make her child laugh when she needs it. So instead she made hundreds of small origami stars that when opened was written a quote, lyric, or parental advise on it. So whenever Will or Layken was having a bad day or just needed a little pick me up they were to reach into the vase and grab a star.

My favorite star - "Strength does not come from physical capacity. It comes from an indomitable will."~Mahatma Gandhi

So I should be done at this point right. No actually there is more to be mentioned. I had never heard of slam poetry but now I don't just know but am a fan. I am a great fan of music. I believe music is the best thing to mend a broken heart, celebrate a great day, calm your nerves, and make anger disappear. To think I have gone all this time with never hearing of The Avett Brothers makes me a bit sad. I have now changed that fact in my life also. They are true artist with words.

                                             "The Perfect Space"
I wanna have friends that I can trust,
that love me for the man I've become not the man I was.
I wanna have friends that will let me be
all alone when being alone is all that I need.

"All My Mistakes"
I made decisions some right and some wrong
And I let some love go I wish wasn't gone
These things and more I wish I had not done

But I can't go back
And I don't want to
'Cause all my mistakes
They brought me to you

If you make the best choice and read this series Slammed and Point of Retreat by Colleen Hoover you will also learn two important things...

1. Learn that you can not carve pumpkins forever it can distract you for a while but in the end you need to get face, get over and move through the problems.

2. To tell all the bullies in the world ' Butterfly you!!!!'

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Lover Reborn by J.R. Ward

So I am very conflicted about this book. This is by far one of my favorite vampire series. I read the first 8 books in 5 days last year. I could not put them down. I survived on 3-4 hours of sleep.

I was so excited to read Tohr's book. I fell in love with him and Wellsie. I think my major problem was I expected a different happily ever after. I feel as if Tohr was shorted. Wow I really have no clue how to feel. The book was like all J.R. Ward books full of life, choices, angst, hope, and devastation. Autumn was a very complex character in her circle of life way. I love that Xhex and Autumn formed a relationship, however I wanted the book to end with Wellsie and her son being brought back to Tohr.

Also as this is the last book just about the original brothers I felt no connection to the other brothers in the book. Usually the books being about one specific brother I still felt the others were present. This one I know had a lot about John and Xhex also, I felt lonely for the others. Not sure if that make sense or not.

Even though I am disappointed in the outcome of Tohr's book I can not wait for Quinn and Blay's book. It is about time. I am even hoping Layla is pregnant with Quinn's child. I am hoping a few more pregnancies happen as how can you continue series without more characters?

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Teaser Tuesday

Finally have made it to J.R. Ward's Lover Reborn on my TBR list.  This is one of my all time favorite Vampire series.  The book came out the day before my birthday however my list was just too long.  I will say I have slipped it up a couple places.  If you have not read the series yet you are missing out on Vampire Alpha males.

The pair of them were closing in on each other, and not in a good way, their jaws jacked forward, their bodies hunched in aggression. And when she didn’t counter him on his last potshot, he knew he’d guessed right—knew, too, that she was hurting.
“I take care of myself, John Matthew,” she spat. “I don’t need you looking over my shoulder because I’m a female.”
I would have done the same for one of the Brothers. Well, mostly he would have. So don’t push that feminist bullshit on me—
“Feminist bullshit?!”
You’re the one making it about your sex, not me.
Her eyes narrowed. “Oh, really. Funnily enough, I’m not persuaded. And if you think my standing up for myself is a goddamn political statement, you mated the wrong goddamn female.”

Monday, June 4, 2012

It is Tuesday again already.  I happen to be reading Lady Luck by Kristen Ashley again.  I seen her new book Motorcycle Man comes out May 25th.  If you have not read anything by Kristen Ashley you are missing out.  Her Alpha Male characters are what dreams are made of. Lady Luck is the third book in the Colorado Mountain series. The main reason this book is my favorite is because of the Hero Ty Walker.  I have a thing for Vin Diesel and Ty makes me think of Vin. If they ever make a movie Vin would be perfect for Ty. 

This is an Adult book!

Ten minutes after that, rhinestone lady handed us the folder with our photos and our marriage certificate.
A minute after that, we were in my car.
Which brings me to now. Married. With a bouquet in my hand and wedding photos and a marriage certificate resting on my thighs.

Moved from Wordpress first posted May 22, 2012

I am in love with Yet you Stay.  It is a song Dank sings to Pagan.  So while scrap booking I was listening to the song and decided to make a page with the words to the song.  If you would like to hear it go to Abbi Glines website.  http://www.abbiglines.com/2012/03/yet-you-stay-danks-song.html

I am really enjoying the story however I am afraid of the third book.  He defied Heaven to keep her, he defeated evil to save her, but if her soul wants another... will he be able to let her go?  So what am I afraid of not what you would think.  I am pretty sure there will be a love triangle with Dank, Jay and Pagan. Jay as Pagan's soul mate is my fear.  I like Dank and all but soul mates should always be together.  Why have a soul mate if you do not end up together?  The whole definition of Soul-mate is believed by some to be the person with whom one has a feeling of deep or natural affinity, similarity, love, sex, intimacy, sexuality, spirituality, or compatibility.  How can they be split up when they complete each other.  So if in Ceaseless Pagan chooses Dank I will be upset.

Moved from Wordpress first posted May 21

So as I was looking at book blogs to day I found Portrait of a Book talking about Teaser Tuesday.  I decided why not try it.  All I have to do is go to a random page in my current book and jot down two sentences to try to interest others to read the book.  I think this is a great idea to help others find a good book.  Here it goes.
Existence - Abbi Glines
He put words to my lullaby.
“The life I walk binds my hands
it makes me take things that I don’t understand
I walk this dark world unknowing of what they hold
true, forgetting the me I once knew,
until you.
There is so much more to the lullaby so read the book.

Moved from Wordpress first posted May 15 2012

First posted on WebPress May 14 
Shannon Dermott
I knew if I read Waiting for Mercy I would hate myself.  I read the first in the Cambion Series about 6 months ago.  This book blew my mind.
I am a big vampire Paranormal girl.  Were's are ok, however I do not read demon books.  Why I picked Beg for Mercy to read I have no idea but I am glad I did.  I have never been so confused about which hero a girl should choose.  Yeah sure there are times the heroine can go either way and you won't be too disappointed.  With Mercy I can say with the first book yes Luke is the perfect choice.  Flynn is way too uhmmm slutty.  Yes he is an incubus but a girl would be crazy to be with him right?  Paul well he is loyal but not loyal enough.  When I think of him I think of a child that threw away a toy but seeing someone else have it he wants it back.  Now. Sebastian is just OMG.  Sorry no words can describe him better.  Even with all that it was Luke that was perfect in every way.
Now after all this time to read book 2 Waiting for Mercy I tried to say no.  There are so many books on my TBR list I should wait. I knew if I read it I would have to put up with a long wait for the next book. I did manage to wait 2 weeks after buying it to read.  So yes even with Mother's Day I could not put it down.  Not even 24 hours to finish.  I am out of breath, feel like I ran 20 miles, and wanting to sleep until next book comes out to avoid the wait.  There were so many twists and turns I was on the edge the whole book.  I was happy, sad, angry, curious, disappointed, disgusted, awed, worried, shocked, need I say more. I am so in love with all the characters.  Now who should Mercy be with?  Okay, so I still like Luke but damn Flynn sure is a very close second.  Knowing he would be best for her does not take away from Luke.  I am so conflicted.  I am thinking why not both?  Oops sorry not a real choice.  I need the next book. Knowing that Flynn is close to dying and Mercy is giving herself to save him is killing me.
If you want a book that makes you feel more emotions then you knew you could even feel in a space of a  minute this is the series to do it.  All I can say now is please Shannon hurry with the next book.

Hello World

Wow I am finally doing this.  Starting a blog.  This may help with my overactive brain and depression.  I am NOT a writer, my grammar sucks, sentence structure is way over my head, and I am thankful for spell check.

I am a Midwest woman with 3 wonderful children (most of the time).  I have lived in the Midwest all my life minus a 2 month stay in Virginia Beach and North Carolina. My top things to pass time are reading and crafts/hobbies.

I am a serious avid reader.  I have an excel spreadsheet used for keeping track of what I have read, want to read, books I have, books I need, Authors and series, and challenges I am doing.  I can read up to 5 books a week. I read mostly romance.  Adult, Paranormal, contemporary, chick lit, young adult, ect.  So far this year I have read over 120 books.

Craft and hobbies are my other passion.  They include scrap booking, cricut crafts, crochet, cross stitch, card making, glass etching, and other home decor crafts.  I have been scrap-booking for years.  Even saying this I am years behind.  I started when my youngest was 4.  So to say I am still creating his elementary book when he is in high school is sad.  I would love if there were 36 hours in a day instead of 24.  My cricut is the most fun toy ever.  I have made personalized items for a baby shower with names and initials, cards for all occasions, decorated plates, vases, water bottles, and tiles.  I usually crochet blankets for the birth of friends and co workers children.
The main reason I decided to start a blog was to help with my reading challenges and to get all my thoughts and feelings out.  I tend toward depression and anxiety so maybe ranting some will help.

So this is My Blog and MY thoughts and opinions.  I will probably make people mad so if you don't like it, don't read it. I tend to be vocal in my opinions so beware.

                 - hrtansoul